18 and responsibilities!

Oh dear! didn't think  my 18th was gonna come this fast and wasnt really prepared, but who ever is. I have had to make an action plan of what I am wanting to do after this year, don't get me wrong I am going to continue to study to be an early years practitioner but I also want to find a job. I have been emailing round everyone to see if they have any vacancies to do an apprenticeship and also finding jobs around the local area for the summer, it's difficult because you really cant be picky when it comes to job hunting, you just got to go with what's available. I am also finding ways and means to pay for my driving lessons and also trying to find away to fund a car and wondering how possible it is.
I feel like I have put together a jigsaw but can't find the last missing piece and without it I cant go forward a step but stay there until it's found. From being totally dependant on my parents for money to having to find a way to earn money for myself.

Anyway's there is a lot of things to look forward to in the future!

Had a lovely time in Manchester visiting Nanna. She is an amazing and inspiring women who is 93. She still goes and volunteers in the primary school which is amazing for someone her age. I always love and enjoy stories of her childhood and growing up. She did so much and has accomplished so much in her life.

we also went to visit friends of ours near fort william, I know your thinking from Manchester to Fort William that is a long way but the views are gorgeous as we went through Glasgow, Loch Lomond and Glencoe. The daughter of theirs had a party to celebrate her 15th which was lovely as her friends came over and people that we knew but hadn't seen for awhile where there as well. Some of us took a short trek to the beach with some gorgeous views as the sun was setting behind the hills.

I feel so tired but was a very lovely easter! kinda glad to get back to normal and finish my college course!
I think I am going to get into my Jammies and find a good series to binge on netflix
Hannah X


  1. Thank you for visiting, it was a joy to visit your blog and see that your are studying to work with children. I worked in Nurseries many moons ago and taught some of the courses. Have you thought a bout volunteering in the short term it may well lead to a job. Good luck.

  2. Thank you! yeah i have loved looking after children since I was little, and always loved it, wasnt expecting to be working towards working in the nursery as i always wanted to be a paediatric nurse! I have been volunteering at my local nursery for 2 years now, its such a lovely small nursery and really enjoying the time i have spent there. A job might pop up but I will keep my eyes out hopefully.
    all the best


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