Busy! Busy! Busy!

Had such a lovely day Monday! Organised my bedroom so I can study a bit better, and not have everything so messy! While listening to music at full volume! Suprised my parents didn't tell me to shut up, they must be used to it by now! Tables a bit messy as I have moved all my crafts into my bedroom.

I then popped over to have a catch up with a friend and do a few crafty things! Managed to Finnish my crocheted blanket which originally was meant to be a size of a double blanket (bit too ambitious) but downsized it to a lap blanket.
I then cut up denim squares from old jeans to make a cushion cover to revamp my old cushion and started patchworking by hand (so slow) wished I had a sewing machine always comes in handy! It's amazing how many squares you can get with two pairs of jeans!

If it wasn't for my friend not sure how I would of finished my blanket and find a use for old jeans! It's amazing how much things you can make and excited to show you the finnised project! 
Well goodbye for now! And hope you all have a good week! X 


  1. Lovely post and well done with your blanket. I look forward to seeing the finished cushion cover xx

  2. Lovely post and well done with your blanket. I look forward to seeing the finished cushion cover xx

    1. Thankyou! Taking me a while to sew the squares toghether but definitely looking forward to finnishing it! Xxx

  3. Wonderful post Hannah, the blanket is just lovely. Thats a lot of squares, looking forward to seeing what your going to make with them. Have a Blessed weekend. Woo xx

    1. Thankyou! Going to make into a cushion cover for one of my old cushions! And you too xxx


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