Visit from my best friend

So last week my best friend came over to stay for a week which was lovely because we live quite far from each other and don't get many holidays the same but we managed to find the time.

I did a surprise visit on the week of her birthday in July, trying to lie to your Bestie for the best part of 3 weeks was the most difficult thing ever, have you ever managed to keep a secret from your Bestie? I am telling you, every conversation you have there is this urge to tell them and its so hard. So she asked me if i was planning to come over, so i had to tell her i am so sorry but i am going away for a weekend and wont be able to make it, i made up this whole story up. When i arrived at the house, i was about to step up and open the door and she opened it ha ha it was so funny to see her reaction, i should of videoed it but didn't have time to. I thought she was gonna punch me but got a hug instead.
Anyway i had such a lovely time even though i wasn't feeling too good. We went to see finding dory in the cinema which was brill, think we may of been the oldest there but oh well. We also took her  for a walk with a gorgeous waterfall.
I keep forgetting how beautiful and magical it is. Its Gods creation!
We had two awful thunderstorms when she was over and managed to get the wifi struck by lighting, so we were left with no internet for awhile, which was actually quite nice not having the pressure of social media and always checking it, actually managing to have a proper conversation without being interrupted with a message.
She left on the Wednesday, so its really strange not having her hear.
Well that,s me for now!
Hannah x


  1. Well at least you had some quality time together and enjoyed yourselves xx

    1. Yeah it was fab! Although she gave me the cold, hole you had a lovely time with the kiddies! xx

    2. Yeah it was fab! Although she gave me the cold, hole you had a lovely time with the kiddies! xx

  2. Well at least you had some quality time together and enjoyed yourselves xx


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