Happy New Year!!!

Cant believe how time has flown by! one minute I am here the next minute I am somewhere else. I haven't been on blogger for a while it has been crazy busy with visiting friends and having everyone over for Christmas which was really lovely catching up with everyone and just generally having a laugh! But it comes to a point where you just need to have you time and to re-energise from all the shin digs, I certainly get very tired after Christmas so what better way to chill than to watch Suicide squad in bed and crash!
SO SO excited as my parents got me a sewing machine for Christmas, so hopefully we can move a table into the living room upstairs for a crafts room as my room is full of all my crafting materials and boxes urgh! so then i will be able to start making things properly instead of having to do it on my bedroom floor but urm not entirely sure if that is the best place to it as it is a tip and I myself find it unbearable to live in, well will get it tidied eventually.
Had a lovely walk today up to friends took me half an hour but hopefully I will get more walks in during the week! the weather was so lovely and I found it so peaceful and relaxing, it takes my mind of things which sometimes you need it. It was really lovely catching up with friends and hearing all the latest news, as it has been so busy.
This year I have a huge goal and that is too feel comfortable in who I am and comfortable in my own body as well, which for me as a 17 year old has been a struggle thinking I need to loose weight and need to look a certain way.
I have another resolution and not to eat chocolate or crisps for a whole year, as my best friend is doing it as well and I want to support her! we also have her brothers wedding to go to so we want to get all toned up and ready to go!
Hope you are all enjoying the new year, hope to be on bloglovin more often!
Well I am going to love you and leave you as I have sat down with a cup of tea and going to watch a series or something! love Hannah xxx


  1. It's good to set goals Hannah, any discipline is good for us. I pray Blessings on your New Year 2017 in all that you do. Woo xx


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