My journey through faith

I am a Christian! And have been for  very long time. I became a Christian when I was sent into hospital at the age of 9. But that's for another story.

Anyway I have some exciting news. I am going to America for 3 months with a lovely Christian family who are from Texas. We all leave on the 13th of July and I don't get back until the 5th October. I feel as though this journey is God leading me on a different path. Hes been through difficult times in my life and will always be there. I feel as though I am going on a journey with him. It's a leap of faith and all I can do is to trust him. He said I am calling you deeper and higher into my faith. I am so excited to see where he is going to take me and what he has in store. I know that I will be back in three months but who knows I might be able to stay longer God willing. There's a few job opportunities over there.

It's definitely a big step as I have anxiety and get panic attacks. But I have learned to control them which is putting my fav worship band on and dancing and singing round the room (sounds crazy I know but it works hehe) its gonna boost my confidence and give me the experience that will help me grow in my faith and show me what life will be like. I am so excited 😊

I will say if you ever get an opportunity take it, who knows what will be waiting at the other side. You will never know till you venture out. As my grandad always used to say "do it now."

Anyways I have to go sorry it was a short blog but I am hoping I can update it every so often and keep you all up to date with the America trip.

Hannah xx


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