Update on what's been happening

Have missed posting here! Can't tell you how busy life has been lately. I have had so many essays to write and so many trips out with friends that I have had no time to sit down and even now I am sitting at lunch blogging. So anyways I hope I will get some time to myself. The HNC is very stressful and would never of thought that I would get this far but I have and I am so pleased. 

Life has certainly taken me on a roller coaster but in a way I am grateful for that as it's made me who I am today. I have bumped into a few obstacles but managed to get through to the other side. As a friend once said to me it's not what has happened that is important it's how you deal with the situation. I definitely agreed with what they said. It showed me that any situation you can get out of but only if your willing to move on and start a fresh.

Got a few things planned for my easter holidays. My best friend is coming up which will be so lovely to see her it's been awhile since we have caught up. We have been friends for a good 12 years now and have been a constant for each other. Its my birthday coming soon so me and my bff will head into town and do a shopping spree and lunch which I can't wait! Then heading off to Glasgow to visit some pals and will be going to a small concert in the evening. Then headed off to Manchester to see my fam, back home and ready to start my last few months of college/uni and soon be my graduation!!!! 

I have been doing slimming world due to having high blood pressure and also wanting to feel good about myself. I am only doing it for myself I am not doing it for anyone else. I have lost 1st and a 1/2 but unfortunately I had a lot of stress on my plate so I put it back on. But now I am so motivated to lose another good stone and a  1/2. It's taught me how to eat properly and when to eat as I used to skip meals and sometimes end up not having anything. It's certainly a good life changer for me. 

Anyways I better get cracking on what I am doing next and maybe get packed ready to go!! Hope you all have a lovely Easter and will post when I come back xx 

It has certainly been awhile since I have posted but I will try and post at least weekly. 


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