Being content with any situation

At the moment I am learning a lot about how to be content in life, learning to take each day as it comes and accepting that your life could change any minute. Especially with the news at the moment it's brought home to me how precious your life is and if you don't take every opportunity that comes your way then your letting yourself down and loved ones that are around you as they want to see you strive and to be the best version of you.

I think learning to be content is hard, even if it's been content in yourself or content in Job situations, no matter what there is always going to be something that you are not happy with and you have the power to change that.

One of the big things for me that I am finding so hard to be content with is my weight, ok so I am only a size 12 but for me I am not comfortable in my body i have struggled with my weight since high school with situations going on around me felt like my life was turned upside down and eating was a comfort to me. But I decided instead of moaning, instead of calling myself fat or ugly (which I have on many occasion) instead of putting myself down, I looked to the problem. I saw that all these negative thoughts and energies that was surrounding me was doing me no good and that if I wanted to change i would have to ask myself are you changing because of people's perceptions of who i am or am I doing it for myself  (as one my close friends asked me) and once I was able to answer that truthfully I was able to start my journey.

You have to remember if you are comfortable in your body or if your not comfortable in your body, your the only person who can change how you feel about yourself no one else can make you. You don't have to go on the latest diet to feel good about yourself, you just got to make healthy choices that's right for you. And don't put yourself down as I did because it's only going to make you feel miserable.

Gradually I am becoming more aware of the fact that I am not going to be that skinny model walking down the catwalk but I am going to be the girl who will embrace her flaws and be confident in who she is. Trust me it's difficult it's not an easy path as media are on our backs all the time but it's worth it. People are gonna see your confidence and adore you for that.

For as it says in Psalm 139:14 'you are fearfully and wonderfully made.' I hope for whomever is reading this that they know that they are beautiful!
Hannah x


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