I have been very conscious that I haven't posted anything up on my blog for awhile. I have been so busy this past few months from the start of February when I was over with a friend keeping her company and then visiting my best friend. But the most exciting part of this year was when dad took me to see the rugby in Edinburgh. It was Scotland v Wales and of course Scotland won! It was a lovely weekend and cant wait to go back next year if we get a chance.

I have also had a complete change of my bedroom, as I was getting very bored of the colour. Thanks to a friend of mine who came over and helped me paint my room, have know idea how I would of coped painting my room without him but it was a laugh. Unfortunately I picked the worst day to do it as the sun was shining and it's not often we get sun in March, So I missed out but glad I got my room done anyhow. I don't have a pic of the bedroom with everything where it should go but here is an idea of the colour it used to be and the colour it is now.


 I have had a catch up with a friend of mine most Mondays and we have finished off some of the projects she needs  for the craft fare in April which was decoupaging a old kiddies chair with Huckleberry Hound annual book, which looks brilliant. I don't have any pictures to show you the chair, hopefully I will get a chance to take a picture before the craft fare and show you.

I have had a lovely two days this week, as I walked into the nursery on Monday as it was a beautiful sunny day and thought I would make the most of the gorgeous sun.

 On Tuesday which is today, I took my friends two youngest children to the park and we went for a walk then spent an hour running around in the park which was lovely. To keep the children distracted on the walk we sang lots of songs and we made up stories.
Its such a beautiful view looking over to where the Dam is.

 since writing my last post about spending time with yourself is important, I haven't managed to spend anytime to myself so I think the weekend coming I am not going to visit anyone but maybe go for a nice long stroll and maybe bake a cake.
Sometimes life can pull the carpet from under you when you are least expecting it!
Hannah xx


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