Busy day in the Kitchen

I rarely go in the kitchen unless its to get a drink or get a snack. You would never catch me red handed cooking or baking. But today I decided that it was time to put my apron on and get cooking. I had promised Dad a chocolate cake the night before and totally forgot about it until he came in my room and asked me where the chocolate cake was, so not the type of person to break promises I headed down stairs to start baking. The recipe I used for the hazelnut chocolate cake was from Hugh Fearnly-Whittingstalls book River Cottage Everyday. I change some of the ingredients slightly, instead of using dark chocolate chunks, as I am not a fan and find it bitter in cakes, I used hot chocolate powder instead which actually tasted amazing if I say so myself, and feeling extra adventurous I added cinnamon for extra flavouring. It doesn't take long to make I think roughly 35 to prepare as all of the whisking and I am generally slow and takes 20 mins to cook in the oven, I found that that am...