Update on what's been happening

Have missed posting here! Can't tell you how busy life has been lately. I have had so many essays to write and so many trips out with friends that I have had no time to sit down and even now I am sitting at lunch blogging. So anyways I hope I will get some time to myself. The HNC is very stressful and would never of thought that I would get this far but I have and I am so pleased. Life has certainly taken me on a roller coaster but in a way I am grateful for that as it's made me who I am today. I have bumped into a few obstacles but managed to get through to the other side. As a friend once said to me it's not what has happened that is important it's how you deal with the situation. I definitely agreed with what they said. It showed me that any situation you can get out of but only if your willing to move on and start a fresh. Got a few things planned for my easter holidays. My best friend is coming up which will be so lovely to see her it's been awhile since we...