Whats ahead?

Life seems to have pulled the carpet from under me! But I have definitely found solid ground to stand on :0 There's always going to be ups and downs in our life's but what's important is how we go about dealing with them. For me I have had to learn that just giving up wont be the solution to the problem but carrying on and accepting what the trouble is and just finding a copying mechanism. Which for me is writing things down 15 mins every night before I go to sleep so that when I go to sleep I wont be thinking over and over what happened about the day and that I can leave it behind on a piece of paper. There are so many copying mechanisms out there its just finding the right ones for you. 2017 has definitely taught me a lot. Especially as people come and people go from your life, its a matter of fact really. Not everyone will always be there but the important ones always stay. I have found some new friends this year which has been a highlight to find people with ...