
Showing posts from August, 2017

Time has flown by

Its been a while since I have posted anything on my blog. I have been so incredibly busy that I havent had the time to sit down and write. So time for a catch up! So a while back I was talking about how I couldnt find a job and was looking all over for one,anyhow my mums friend found me a job at a private fishing hotel near Ullapool. Its a fantastic hotel but is very demanding. As it is quite a distance from where I live and because I do morning and night shifts I have my own room at the hotel. I have been working there over two months ago, which has seemed to go so quickly. Such a lovely atmosphere at work there but it does have its challenges like many jobs I am sure have but you just keep doing your best everyday. So as I have split shifts I find myself walking a lot and I found this gorgeous walk by the river behind the hotel and it leads to the falls. I love spending these quiet times sitting on a rock looking over the water and enjoying the peace and quiet that surrounds ...